quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010

domingo, 9 de maio de 2010

post x mass tourist

this video from a big brazilian blog about travels, very post touristic, is making a "test" between going to new york via a package tour or on your own. very nice and interesting, but it is (openly) sponsored by hotels.com, so we know who wins this... ok, interesting still but if you keep in mind that it is being sponsored.

sábado, 8 de maio de 2010


um programa pro "viajante do século XXI", q diz q vai te mostrar sem ser acertivo como um guia de viagem. mas ainda brinca mtooo com os ícones. a diferença tb é q quer entrar em contato com os "nativos" (pelo q vi no video sobre o programa) metido a pós-turista (tem um capítulo da "descolada" estocolmo) mas é mto mais turismo de massa disfarçado.
assim, na minha humilde opinião e tal.


interesting enough, youtube related videos dont give links to other episodes of tv travel shows, but links to videos about the destination searched. so it must mean that the site is used as a source of information by tourists.

48 hours in

a tv show from travel channel where a british guy spends 48 hours in a city. and, for that, he has some "rules" that he follows and that appear as topic, or chapters, on the screen.

-why to go
-check in
-take a hike
-lunch on the run
-window shopping
-an aperitif
-dinner with the locals
-sunday morning: go to church
-a walk in the cloisters
-out to brunch
-cultural afternoon

these are the ones from the Salamanca episode, but I also watched the Rio's show and they are almost all the same.

quarta-feira, 5 de maio de 2010


Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings1
Dean MacCannell